Fanii Prison Break, ŞOCAŢI. Actorul principal a făcut anunţul. "Am terminat. E OFICIAL"
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Autor: Florin Răvdan
Wentworth Miller, actorul care îl interpretează pe Michael Scofield în Prison Break, a făcut un anunţ care îi va întrista pe toţi fanii serialului. 

Actorul a anunţat că nu va mai juca rolul lui Michael Scofield, pentru că nu mai vrea să interpreteze personaje heterosexuale. 

Am terminat. Cu PB. Oficial. Pur şi simplu nu vreau să joc personaje heterosexuale. Poveştile lor au fost spuse (şi spuse). Înţeleg că acest lucru este dezamăgitor. Îmi pare rău. Dacă eşti fan înfocat şi te deranjează [pentru că] te-ai îndrăgostit de un bărbat heterosexual fictiv interpretat de un adevărat gay ... Asta e problema ta - W.M", a scris actorul pe Instagram. 

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"This is my favorite IG account," someone wrote in response to a recent post. Thank you. I want you to know I saw that. I see the positive comments and DMs (a lot of them anyway). Affectionate. Supportive. Appreciated (by me). Obviously there are comments and DMs I appreciate less. Who are these people? On my page? What backwards-ass, Stone Age values country did they crawl out of? The U.S.? I won't be disappearing (too many cool things to repost). The ability to comment likely will. I'm not concerned for myself. I can't be "bullied" in this space. I have too much power. "Delete. Block. Deactivate." Etc. But I take seriously the possibility of queer kids visiting here, recently out of the closet or exploring the idea... I don't want them exposed to bullshit. On a related note... I'm out. Of PB. Officially. Not bec of static on social media (although that has centered the issue). I just don't want to play straight characters. Their stories have been told (and told). So. No more Michael. If you were a fan of the show, hoping for additional seasons... I understand this is disappointing. I'm sorry. If you're hot and bothered bec you fell in love with a fictional straight man played by a real gay one... That's your work. - W.M. ????️‍????

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