Data publicării: 10.08.2020 15:43
O mamă, APOSTROFATĂ pentru ceea ce face în fața copilului. „Este natural”
Foto: Instagram
O mamă a fost criticată vehement pe internet, după ce a recunoscut că întreține relații sexuale cu partenerul său în fața băiețelului ei de cinci luni.
Conform The Sun, Sally Mustang, de 30 de ani, și soțul său, Mitch Gobel, au devenit părinți acum cinci luni. Influenceriță hipsteriță pe Instagram, Sally a fost atacată de urmăritori fiindcă a spus că se iubește cu soțul ei în fața bebelușului.
Sally a spus că acest lucru este „natural” și a întrebat de ce societatea nu consideră că este acceptabil. „Imaginați-vă că vine la voi la 8 ani și spune că este gata să facă sex, fiindcă sexul este un subiect atât de deschis în casa voastră”, a comentat o mămică furioasă, la postarea influenceriței.
Vezi această postare pe Instagram
Nursing my babe to sleep. But I want to mention that breastfeeding hasn’t been easy for me. It started with blisters,mastitis,staff infections- the works. I still continued. Moving forward still now, 5 and a half months in-I occasionally still get small blisters.My milk supply is always an ‘over supply’ so Azure gulps sometimes gagging, sometimes anxious at the amount of milk that pours into his stomach so quick.My milk leaks everywhere when I feed still, so we have 3 sheets on the bed, and I feed outside when I can.Azure also only really likes to feed in private, even when Mitch or Jala stroll in he is constantly pulling off and looking at them, pleading them for space.I share this because I always imagined myself breastfeeding in public (helping to break the stigma around breastfeeding and boobs out) The images in my minds eye were that it would be sensual and oh so beautiful.That I would love it. So many lessons for me here.Emotionally I know it’s linked to the part of me that rejects fully stepping into motherhood. Physically it still hurts a little ( during the first 6 weeks the pain was worse than birth ) ,& on a spiritual level breastfeeding is helping me see myself. Even though it hasn’t been exactly what I thought it would be, it’s still the most magical feeling that I am feeding my baby pure starlight magic milk.It’s a miracle really.My breasts make a milk to the perfect frequency for Zu. Down to the taste,nutrients,feelings he needs. For me even though it was one of the hardest things of my life (when I fed him through all my physical manifested pain. So many tears) there was just no other choice. Breast milk is pure magic. I personally would of brought in a wet nurse ( actually though @montanalower ) to help me out rather than try anything else. (Like formula) The lesson also in there was to show me how far I will go to ensure my Sun, is given the best possible chance to blossom in this world, and how important that is to me. Also absolutely no judgements to any mummas out there that have done things differently, this is just me sharing what I did and my feelings throughout this ever evolving journey called motherhood. Continued in comments
O postare distribuită de Sally Mustang (@sallymustang) pe Iul 23, 2020 la 2:42 PDT
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