Iohannis - Wage Law. Dragnea, message for Lia Olguţa Vasilescu

Liviu Dragnea- Lia Olguța Vasilescu- Victor Ponta
Liviu Dragnea- Lia Olguța Vasilescu- Victor Ponta

Labour Minister Lia Olguţa Vasilescu said she expects Iohannis to take back to Parliament the Unitary Wage Law. Liviu Dragnea said he hopes for this not to happen.

By Scutaru Cristina

"Olguţa is more concerned. Hopefully, Iohannis will not return the Wage Law (to Parliament – editor’s note). This is a law that installs order in the system. For now let’s go out with it, let the serious debates in Parliament begin. We cannot say that it’s being taken back by the president when it was not yet presented. But to be taken precautions is positive as we aim for this law to take effect by the end of this session”, said Liviu Dragnea.

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